5 Fitness Steps to Long Term Success

1. - It's imperative to be in the right frame of mind before starting your fitness journey. You cannot expect to make healthy decisions if you're not in a healthy frame of mind. Therefore to ensure your new diet or workout routine persists you've to develop your self image. The best way to succeed at your diet is if you have a positive self-image. Choose a personal trainer or personal training program that focuses on helping you develop a positive self image so your fitness success is guaranteed.
2. - Eat more like a caveman. If you cut out all processed "fake" foods and focus on natural foods you'll likely lose weight, burn fat, feel great and have loads of energy. Natural foods are higher in fibre, keep you fuller for longer and are loaded with nutrients and vitamins. processed foods are the complete opposite. There loaded with empty calories and are "designed" to make you hungry again soon so you'll buy more of the crap - which in turns leads to you get fatter. It may be blunt but it's true. Make sure your fitness trainer has cutting edge Nutrition ideas to help you achieve your fitness goals.
3. - Plan, Plan, Plan. When you plan your workouts, plan your meals ahead of schedule and have a written plan for your day you know exactly where you stand and what needs to be done. It starts with having clearly designed, realistic goals. Make you goals S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic & Time Bound). Planning can be as simple as taking five minutes every day to plan your next, taking 5 minutes to plan your workout. It also frees up time to do more of the things you enjoy. Your coach or trainer should be able to help you with all stages of planning.
4. - Who's holding you accountable? Yourself? Accountability is key for success. When you have someone to kick your arse and keep you in check you'll be surprised how much your motivation for success grows and grows. A Personal trainer is the best accountability tool you can get but your friends, family members can help too, even keeping a workout, nutrition diary is effective accountability.
5. Take massive action. Anthony Robbins said it best when he said the path to success is by taking massive, determined action. Following on from planning, accountability, by acting on everything your trainer has put in place or by taking small action steps on a daily, making them habitual you start seeing continuing success - these action steps start to compound and your fitness success will start to grow exponentially.
John Mulry is a Weight Loss Expert, Lifestyle Enhancer, Personal Trainer, Writer, Speaker and the owner of Expect Success Fitness Galway Personal Training.

Top 10 Questions and Answers on Atkins Diet

1. What is Atkins Diet?
Dr. Atkins diet, first introduced in 1972, is strictly focused on limiting carbohydrate consumption.
That is why it is called a low-carb, high-protein diet or sometimes simply a low-carb diet, together with other diets such as South Beach Diet, Power Protein Diet etc...
2. What are carbohydrates, and where can they be found?
Carbohydrates provide your body with its basic fuel, very much like a car engine and gasoline. Glucose goes directly into the cells, which convert it into the energy they need.
There are two types of carbohydrates:
Simple carbohydrates (also called "sugars" on food package labels): glucose, fructose and galactose are referred to as monosaccharides. Lactose, sucrose and maltose are called disaccharides (they contain two monosaccharides).
Complex carbohydrates ("starches"), made up of chains of glucose molecules, which is simply a way plants store glucose.
Starches can be found in great quantities in most grains (wheat, corn, oats, rice) and things like potatoes and plantains.
Your digestive system breaks a starch back down into its component glucose molecules so that the glucose can enter your bloodstream.
A complex carbohydrate is digested more slowly than simple carbohydrates because it takes longer to break down a starch.
Complex carbs can be either high in fiber such as broccoli or low in fiber such as bananas or potatoes.
But carbohydrates are not the only substances the body uses: it also needs proteins and fats.
3. What are proteins and where can they be found?
A protein is any chain of amino acids. Carbohydrates provide cells with energy, proteins provide cells with the building material they need to grow and maintain their structure.
Protein can be found in both animal and vegetable foods. Most animal sources (meat, milk, eggs) provide "complete protein": they contain all of the essential amino acids.
Vegetable foods usually have few or none of the essential amino acids. Example: rice is low in isoleucine and lysine.
Some vegetable sources contain quite a bit of protein --things like nuts, beans, soybeans, etc. are all high in protein.
4. What are fats and where can they be found?
Fats are also an important part of our diet. Many foods contain fat in different amounts. High-fat foods include dairy products like butter and cream as well as mayonnaise and oils.
There are two kinds of fats: saturated and unsaturated.
Saturated fats are normally solid at room temperature, while unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature.
Vegetable oils are the best examples of unsaturated fats, while lard and shortening (along with the animal fat you see in raw meat) are saturated fats.
We can further distinguish the unsaturated fats between polyunsaturated and monounsaturated. Unsaturated fats are currently thought to be more healthy than saturated fats, and monounsaturated fats (as found in olive oil and peanut oil) are thought to be healthier than polyunsaturated fats.
Fat is necessary because: the only way to get certain fat-soluble vitamins is to eat fat, your body has no way to make certain essential fats, so you must get them in your food.
Another reason is that fat is a good source of energy, in fact it contains twice as many calories per gram as do carbohydrates or proteins. Your body can burn fat as fuel when necessary
5. and how can I loose weight by reducing carbohydrate consumption?
Atkins diet and other low-carb diets are based on the theory that certain carbohydrates have a greater impact on blood sugar levels than others.
So you count these carbs. They are the ones that matter. To figure out the net carb count of a food item, you need to identify the carbs that don't have a high impact -- those from fiber and sugar alcohol, and subtract that total from the overall carb count
Just regulate your blood sugar levels (from carbohydrates) and you'll be able to better regulate your appetite... and your weight.
Therefore, say Atkins diet proponents, the culprits are carbohydrates and there is nothing wrong with eating as much meat as you want!
What you should do is restrict carbohydrate consumption, specially starchy foods such as bread, rice, corn etc..., except for what they consider as "good carbohydrates" such as high fiber vegetables (broccoli etc...)
According to them, the energy we need should be taken from proteins, and sometimes fat, but as few carbohydrates as possible, hence the name: low carbohydrate diet..
6 . What else does the human body need?
Mainly vitamins and minerals. These can be found in various foods, fruits, etc..It seems the "Standard Western Diet" is deficient in vitamins and minerals. This has led to the creation of vitamin and mineral supplements.
7. Is Atkins diet efficient?
Anybody can note the simple fact that cutting back on carbohydrates works, at least for a quick drop in body fat and body water.
However, for most dieters the problem is the long-term effects on the body due to such a drastic reduction in carbohydrates.
Whatever Atkins diet proponents have said, this remains a real problem and people like those at South Beach Diet have tried to solve it by introducing carbohyfrates after the 14 days initial phase.
8. What about the "fat makes you fat" theory?
According to Anthony Colpo, one of the most articulate of the Atkins diet defenders:
"Some folks have been so inculcated with the simplistic "fat makes you fat" theory that they just cannot believe a diet high in fat can lead to a loss of bodyfat.
The fact is, high fat diets can result in spectacular fat loss - as long as carbohydrate intake is kept low. Eat a diet that is high in both fat and carbohydrate and your bodyfat percentages will head north real quick! "
9. Does Atkins diet cause coronary heart disease (CHD)?
On May 26, 2004 A Florida businessman filed suit against the makers of Atkins diet.
The man claimed as a consequence of following the low-carb diet, he suffers from severe heart disease, necessitating angioplasty and a stent
One of the fiercest opponents of Atkins diet, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) President Neal Barnard, M.D, said that the diet proponents "push dieters to avoid healthy foods, like rice, beans, and pasta, while ignoring the risks of high-cholesterol, high-fat meat and cheese. The idea that cholesterol and saturated fat don't matter is a dangerous myth."
But what does the other side say? As expected, we hear a totally different story.
Here is Anthony Colpo's take on the CHD issue:
"A low carb diet based on paleolithic food choices, that is, a diet based on free-range animal products and low carbohydrate, low-glycemic plant foods, fits the bill quite nicely. So go ahead, eat your steak and salad!"
10. Are there any other health risks?
In additon to CHD - coronary heart disease - Atkins diet has also been blamed for a number of other "atrocities", such as: colon cancer, impaired kidney function, osteoporosis, complications of diabetes, and to cap it all: constipation, headache, bad breath, muscle cramps, diarrhea, general weakness.
A few quick answers to some of these accusations from Anthony Colpo:
Kidney disease: "Bodybuilders and strength athletes have been consuming high-protein diets for decades. Given the widespread global participation in these activities, if the claims of kidney damage were true, by now there would be an enormous number of case studies of ex-bodybuilders and strength athletes afflicted with kidney disease," which is obviously not the case.
Osteoporosis: "a low-carbohydrate, high fat, high protein diet is a far better choice for building strong bones than a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet."
A.M.Sall invites you to cash in on his 30 years experience as a professional medical translator and say goodbye forever to all your Health, Beauty and Wellness problems!

Have You Given Up on Weight Loss?

I receive several email messages every day
from people who have given up on weight loss.
They are at wits end and they don't know
what to do. They've "tried it all" and they
believe it's impossible for them to lose
Many of them have lost weight and gained it
all back, and more. Some of them have struggled
with losing weight all their lives and have
never been successful with it. One lady from
Alabama wrote to me last spring, "I have been
trying to lose about sixty pounds for over 23
years. I quit! I'm resolved to the fact that
I will be fat for the rest of my life"
How saddening that comment is. but I'm happy
to tell you this lady, with a little
guidance, is now 65 pounds lighter than she
was one year ago.. and she has some muscle
tone. Needless to say, she no longer believes
that she'll be fat for the rest of her life.
I tell you this simply to illustrate the fact
that you don't have to give up on weight loss.
YOU can lose weight, but you have to be
willing to do what it takes.. and here's what
it takes!
If we look at people who have been successful
at weight loss *and* maintaining that loss,
a couple of things are very apparent. These two
factors are present in the lives of most of
1. They do some form of aerobic exercise 5 to
7 days per week. These people aren't
exercise wimps! They know how critically
important this is to their weight loss/
maintenance and they get out and do it!
They average 45 minutes per day with the
range being 30 to 90 minutes per day.
This not only burns lots of calories,
but, perhaps more importantly, it elevates
their basal metabolic rate.
2. They do some type of weight training 2 to
3 days per week. This has a tremendous
affect on basal metabolic rate and
muscle tone. Success at maintaining a
weight loss is much higher in people
who have weight trained while they were
losing weight versus those who haven't.
Now, obviously, healthy eating habits are also
very important. However, most of these people
say that their exercise habits seem to dictate
their eating habits.. meaning that if they
can be consistent with exercise, their eating
habits seem to fall into place.
I've had many clients tell me that their daily
exercise puts them in a "healthy" frame of
mind and helps them to make better food choices.
Bottom line; when they are exercising
consistently, their eating habits are better.
I firmly believe that a major factor in most
peoples frustration with weight loss is that
they haven't been told the truth about
exercise. You see, twenty minutes, three days
per week isn't going to cut it for weight
loss. If you're serious about weight loss,
then you have to get serious about exercise.
-It's all about changing your basal metabolism
through exercise.
-It's about looking at exercise as a part of your
daily routine, just like brushing your teeth.
-It's about viewing exercise as something you're
doing to get healthy and feel great!
"If you *vigorously* pursue fitness and health,
weight loss will happen"(tm)
copyright 2007 by Greg Landry, M.S.
Author and exercise physiologist, Greg Landry, offers free weight loss and fitness success stories and targeted, highly affective weight loss programs for women, men, type 2 diabetics, and people with slow metabolisms and hypothyroidism. Visit his site: http://www.GregLandryFitness.com

3 Ways 'Going with the Flow' Will Make You Fat - And What To Do About It!

Wanna know the truth?
If you're going to be slim, you're going to have to swim against the current. You're going to have to take charge of your body and make your own decisions... cause if you go with the flow today, I guarantee that you're going to be fat.
Here are 3 reasons why:
#1) Rampant Portion Sizes
'Supersize it', 'Biggie Fries', 'Value Meal', 'Super Big Gulp' - phrases that we use so commonly, it's hard to believe that we'd have to explain what they mean to someone from another era.
Restaurants have blown their portion sizes so big in the name of providing 'value' that one meal could feed a small soccer team.
Considering that your stomach is roughly the size of your fist (but thank goodness it stretches!), the portion sizes you get today in the average restaurant could probably fill 5 or more stomachs.
But we're told to get our money's worth right?
So go ahead and eat up. That way you can spend your money going to the doctor for obesity related health problems later. That's truly getting your money's worth!
#2) Escalator Generation
Go with the flow and you'll enjoy a multitude of worldly conveniences. You can microwave your dinner in 5 minutes, load your dishwasher in 2 and pay the dog walker in 1.
You don't have to walk to the store - just hop in the car. Your kids don't have to go swimming - they've got a new Xbox game. Don't bother taking the stairs because there's an elevator.
You can sit at a desk for long hours without even getting up from your chair. And when you do come home from work - you have the luxury of flopping on the couch and watching 'Friends' while eating takeout.
Go with the flow my friend and you'll expend less energy while eating more. Oh - and you'll also be told that taking a pill is the only way to solve the problem of your ever-increasing waistline.
One of the best photographs I ever saw was of the front of a gym. There was a staircase leading up to the gym with an escalator beside it. And you guessed it - people were taking the escalator UP to the gym! The only guy on the stairs was walking DOWN them. That pretty much sums up the problem.
#3) Fad Diets
Fad diets are everywhere. The very concept of eating one food group for 2 weeks - just so you can fit into that little black dress - and then go back to old eating habits, is insane.
And yet we do it. There are books that tell us how, programs that teach us how, and we fall for it. We want to make temporary changes to get lasting results. This is a set-up for gaining and keeping extra weight.
While a well-balanced (not fad), nutritionally sound diet can help you kick start your weight loss, if you want to feel better and keep the weight off, you're going to have to be prepared to make some permanent changes to your lifestyle. You will be better off, healthier, and yes - thinner so you won't have to go on a crazy fad diet to get into that little black dress.
Unfortunately, if you 'go with the flow' in our world today, chances are very high that you're going to get fat. BUT by knowing what you're up against, you can take steps to swim against the current. You can get serious, take charge and make positive choices for your body - you can live slim and healthy in a world skewed towards weight gain.
Kathryn O'Neill writes for Diet Home Delivery a website offering in-depth reviews and ratings of Diet Delivery services.
For more information including which services offer free meals and deliver to your area, visit http://www.DietDeliveryReviews.com

Oxygen Therapy For Weight Loss?

The chemistry sounds very straightforward. Human body fat is a combination of three elements - hydrogen, carbon and oxygen molecules (plus other substances that are stored within the fat cells).
Add extra oxygen to the body fat, and in theory it should break down into two well known substances:
  1. Hydrogen & oxygen molecules (H2O - water, which enters the blood stream, goes through the kidneys and is then excreted via urination); &
  2. Carbon & oxygen molecules (CO2 - carbon dioxide, which is excreted via respiration).
Oxygen or Ozone Therapies are used by a number of alternative medicine practitioners around the world. It is more popular in Europe than in the USA. Practitioners are also found in Canada and Mexico.
Despite being banned in some countries and certainly debunked by large sections of the "conventional" medical profession, there is plenty of evidence that oxygen therapy produces health benefits for many conditions far cheaper, much faster and without the side effects of patent drugs.
Oxygen therapy is usually administered in one of two ways:
  1. A facial mask attached to an oxygen tank, so that the patient breaths in oxygen for many hours of the day; or
  2. Daily sessions of diluted hydrogen peroxide administered via an intravenous drip.
Given the straightforward chemical composition of body fat discussed above, does Oxygen Therapy actually work for weight loss? I decided to contact a number of practitioners in various parts of the world and ask them if, when treating patients for other ailments using oxygen therapies, weight loss was ever seen as a side-effect of their treatment.
All the doctors who replied responded that no such weight loss factor has ever been observed that they could credit to the oxygen therapy itself, and not the condition they were treating.
It seems that empirical evidence to support the theory that oxygen therapy could reduce body fat into the easily excreted H2O and CO2 is lacking.
Still, not everyone is convinced. The chemistry appears fine on paper, so something is missing in the implementation. Finding that missing factor could be crucial in the battle of the bulge, the quest for weight loss, and conquering obesity.
Books have been written promoting special breathing techniques for weight loss. Although there are sceptics, there are also many people around the world who swear by the success they have achieved in losing weight via these breathing techniques.
The theory behind these breathing techniques is not merely due to the intake of the oxygen, but that the human body's metabolic process expels waste matter, including carbon dioxide, when we breath out. Our air intake is higher in oxygen than what we expire, and we breath out more carbon dioxide than we breath in.
The breathing technique therefore seeks to encourage and maximize the expulsion of carbon dioxide from our bodies - carbon dioxide that is the waste matter created when the oxygen dissolves body fat.
Personally, I must admit to being impressed though not thoroughly convinced. It is quite reasonable to assume that the people who are disciplined enough to follow this breathing technique diligently for several weeks or months are probably motivated enough to also be doing other things (dietary, psychologically, etc.) that will be causing the weight loss.
Still, it fits the basic (unproven) theory that adding oxygen to body fat should result in weight loss. Furthermore, it is harmless, so long as adequate dietary intake of antioxidant vitamins and minerals are being consumed. Whether the actual results are from the technique itself or of a more psychosomatic nature is immaterial if it works, is free and available to all, and has no adverse side effects.
By all means, add these deep breathing exercises to your overall toolbox of synergistic weight loss treatments.
Still, there is one more form of oxygen therapy (not usually recognized as such) that even the sceptics would have trouble disputing.
It is more commonly called exercise. More accurately, aerobic exercise. (Aerobic simply means "air breathing".) It is exercise that makes you huff and puff, deepening your breathing. It is and always has been one of the most fundamental parts of any successful weight loss program.
Trevor Johnson is a Masters qualified researcher cum electronic publisher with over twenty years personal experience in the battle against obesity. Objective information and the pros and cons of many types of weight loss therapies is found at his "Weight Loss, Dieting & Obesity" site: http://www.DietWords.com

Doctor, Why Can't I Loose Weight and by the Way Why Do I Feel Sick?

 Doctor, Why Can't I Loose Weight and by the Way Why Do I Feel Sick?
This the number one question heard in my office and in physicians' offices throughout America. There is a strong relationship between weight gain, difficulty in losing weight and feeling sick. Candida Albicans, an opportunistic fungus, is often the link between weight gain, feeling ill and the difficulties people have with losing weight. Focusing on removing Candida Albicans from the body rewards the dieter with a feeling of well being and weight loss that is steady, sustainable and healthy.
Americans are embracing the low carbohydrate diet for its ability to reduce their waist size and weight even when other diets have failed. The more important benefits of a low carbohydrate diet are usually lost in our obsession with weight. Low Carbohydrate diets have been used by nutritionists and holistic physicians for decades to control Candida Albicans. The weight loss and feeling of well being that accompanies a low carbohydrate diet is mostly associated with controlling this serious, but often over looked health condition.
I often see patients in my office who want to lose weight and have tried every diet and pill on the market with little success. During their history they often reveal a list of symptoms and complaints that they feel have no relationship to their weight problem. These patients do not realize that their weight problem and their other complaints are symptomatic of a more serious health condition known as systemic Candida Albicans. By concentrating on treating the underlying Candida Albicans my patients are able to loose weight and improve their overall health.
Betty F. . . was consulting with me for continued weight gain. She was finding it difficult to stick to a diet and exercise, partly since she saw such limited results. During her consult she admitted to gas, indigestion and fatigue. Her history included birth control pills, antibiotic use and several yeast infections. Her treatment plan included a low carbohydrate diet, nutritional supplements, and anti fungal herbals. She returned is 4 weeks, she had been able to stick to the diet with much greater ease, she felt more energetic and had no more gas. She was even happier that she had been able to loose 9 lbs. She reached her goal of a total weight loss of 22 lbs over the course of 3 months and has been able to keep it off. She now sticks to a sound diet and only takes a multi nutrient with herbals.
Candida Albicans is opportunistic yeast that often over whelms the body after antibiotic, may be passed from person to person with the exchange of body fluids, and from direct contact. It may be found in the reproductive tract, the mouth, the GI tract and in the blood. There are several common signs of Candida Albicans including vaginal yeast infections, thrush, jock itch and athlete's foot. Candida Albicans has been linked to a number of health conditions including; asthma, depression, dizziness, fatigue, headaches, hypoglycemia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), learning disabilities, menstrual problems, Migraines, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome (MCSS), Prostatitis, sinus problems, and Urinary Tract Infections (UTI).
One of the major secondary problems associated with Candida Albicans is weight gain. A number of the problems associated with losing weight and staying with a diet are doing to Candida Albicans. A person with systemic Candida Albicans will often crave sugar and simple carbohydrates because this is the main source of nutrients for yeast. Mood swings and depression are often associated with the rapid change in blood sugar levels caused by the yeast. Patients often complain of gas and bloating caused by the fermentation of foods in their intestines by the yeast which naturally release gas, just like in Champaign and beer. The fermentation of foods in the intestine may also lead to alcohol production that is absorbed through the gut and may lead to symptoms of confusion, altered behavior, and difficulty concentrating. Determining whether you have a Candida Albicans can make a big difference on how easy you will be able to lose weight and keep your weight loss off.
Questions to determine if you may have Candida Albicans: 
1. Have you used antibiotics in the last 2 years?
2. Do you have gas or bloating?
3. Do you have sugar cravings?
4. Do you have low blood sugar?
5. Do you have history of yeast infections, vaginal, oral, athletes foot, or jock itch?
6. Does your partner have a history of yeast infections, vaginal, oral, athletes foot, or jock itch?
7. Are you sensitive to smells?
8. Are you sensitive to alcohol?
9. Do you suffer from symptoms that your doctor cannot explain like; headaches, migraines, depression, diarrhea, dizziness, IBS, menstrual or sinus problems?
10. Do you feel fatigued all the time?
11. Do you have a hard time concentrating?
12. Do you just not feel right?
Candia Albicans can be diagnosed by a blood analysis by your physician, though many traditional physicians do not regularly order this test. A major problem with treating Candida Albicans is the low regard most physicians place on controlling it spread. A recent study showed that 27% of nurses and 33% of doctors have Candida Albicans on their hands in a hospital. You can get a reasonable idea if you have problems with Candida Albicans by answering the questions in the box above. A yes answers to 6 or more questions above, associated with any of the signs or symptoms listed above, is a good indicator that you may have a Candida Albicans problem. Dr. Mark Leder, a chiropractor and nutritionist in NYC, states " I have treated thousands of women for weight loss and I find that over 75% of them are suffering from Candida Albicans. I tell them, you want to loose weight,? You want to be healthy? Deal with the Candida problem and everything else will follow." A low carbohydrate diet is the first step to dealing with Candida Albicans, but an herbal anti fungal is just as important.
When Candida Albicans presents itself as a vaginal yeast infection or athletes foot will often be treated with medication. Medications may be oral or topical and can be in prescription or over the counter strength. The problems with medications is that they are often short term and or do not get to the root of the problem. To properly reduce the amount of Candida Albicans in the body a low carbohydrate diet is the first step. Nutritional and herbal supplements are also key components. Regular intake of natural anti fungal supplements gives the body a chance to gentle and slowly reduce the amount of Candida Albicans in the body. There are a number of natural anti fungal herbals and products available on the market, but quality and effectiveness vary greatly. One of the best products available, through physicians offices only, is called RxBotanicals Diet Enhancer which contains powerful anti fungal and natural herbal relaxants. The combination of anti fungal and natural herbal relaxants found in RxBotanicals Diet Enhancer gentle lowers the amount of Candida Albicans in the body while making the dieting experience easier and more successful.
America will continue to focus on the weight loss associated with low carbohydrate diets. Nutritionists and physicians will continue to embrace the multitude of health benefits associated with a low carbohydrate diets with herbal remedies and its relationship to reducing Candida Albicans in the body.
Questions or comments can be addressed to Dr. Steven Zodkoy at 732-308-0099 or szo9935741@aol.com
Dr. Steven Zodkoy is the director of Monmouth Advance Medicine in Freehold, NJ.  Dr. Zodkoy is a Chiropractor, a Certified Nutritional Specialists, a Certified Clinical Nutritionist and a Diplomat American Board of Clinical Nutritionists.  He is frequent expert for news broadcasts, contributing author for magazines and consultant to nutritional companies.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2723

Your Eight Hormones and Weight Loss

There are many physical, mental, and physiological
benefits to regular exercise. One category of
benefits is the impact that exercise has on many
of your body's hormones. Hormones are chemical
messengers within your body that affect almost
all aspects of human function:
1. Growth Hormone
- Stimulates protein synthesis (muscle tone/development),
and strength of bones, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. -
Decreases use of glucose and increases use of fat as a fuel
during exercise. This helps to reduce body fat and to keep
blood glucose at a normal level which helps you to exercise
for a longer period of time.
Release of growth hormone from the pituitary gland
in the brain is increased with increasing aerobic
exercise time, especially more intense exercise such as
interval training. To receive an article on interval
training, send email to: Intervals@Landry.com
2. Endorphins
- An endogenous opioid from the pituitary gland that
blocks pain, decreases appetite, creates a feeling of
euphoria (the exercise high), and reduces tension and
Blood levels of endorphins increase up to five times
resting levels during longer duration (greater than
30 minutes) aerobic exercise at moderate to intense
levels and also during interval training.
Also, after several months of regular exercise, you
develop an increased sensitivity to endorphins (a
higher high from the same level of endorphins), and
endorphins that are produced tend to stay in your
blood for a longer period of time. This makes longer
duration exercise easier (you're feeling no pain)
and it causes your exercise high to last for a longer
period of time after exercise.
3. Testosterone
- An important hormone in both males and females for
maintaining muscle tone/volume/strength, increasing
basal metabolic rate (metabolism), decreasing body
fat, and feeling self-confident. It's produced by the
ovaries in females and by the testes in males.
- Females have only about one tenth the amount of
testosterone that males do, but even at that level in
females it also plays a role in libido and intensity
of orgasms. Production of testosterone in females begins
to decline as a woman begins to approach menopause
and in males it begins to decline in his forties.
Blood levels of testosterone increase with exercise
in both males and females beginning about 20 minutes
into an exercise session, and blood levels may remain
elevated for one to three hours after exercise.
4. Estrogen
- The most biologically active estrogen, 17 beta
estradiol, increases fat breakdown from body fat stores so
that it can be used and fuel, increases basal metabolic rate
(metabolism), elevates your mood, and increases libido.
This hormone is at much higher blood levels in females,
but the ovaries begin to produce less of it as a woman
begins to approach menopause.
The amount of 17 beta estradiol secreted by the ovaries
increases with exercise, and blood levels may remain
elevated for one to four hours after exercise.
5. Thyroxine (T4)
- A hormone produced by the thyroid gland, Thyroxine
raises the metabolic rate ("metabolism") of almost
all cells in the body. This increase in "metabolism"
helps you to feel more energetic and also causes you
to expend more calories, and thus is important in
weight loss.
Blood levels of thyroxine increase by about 30%
during exercise and remain elevated for several
hours afterward - this period of time is increased
by an increase in intensity and/or duration of
exercise. Regular exercise also increase thyroxine
levels at rest.
6. Epinephrine
- A hormone produced primarily by the adrenal
medulla that increases the amount of blood the
heart pumps and directs blood flow to where it's
- Stimulates breakdown of glycogen (stored
carbohydrate) in the active muscles and liver to use
as fuel. It also stimulates the breakdown of fat (in
stored fat and in active muscles) to use as fuel.
The amount of epinephrine released from the adrenal
medulla is proportional to the intensity and
duration of exercise.
7. Insulin
An important hormone in regulating (decreasing)
blood levels of glucose ("blood sugar") and in
directing glucose, fatty acids, and amino
acids into the cells. Insulin secretion by the
pancreas is increased in response to a rise in
blood sugar as is often the case after a meal.
Typically, the larger the meal, or the greater the
quantity of simple sugars consumed, the larger
the insulin response. This is another reason
that it's good to eat small frequent meals and
to limit consumption of sugar and of processed
bread, pasta and rice. The whole grain (non-
processed) versions of those products are a
much healthier choice.
Blood levels of insulin begin to decrease about 10
minutes into an aerobic exercise session and
continue to decrease through about 70 minutes of
exercise. Regular exercise also increases a cell's
sensitivity to insulin at rest, so that less is needed.
8. Glucagon
A hormone that is also secreted by the pancreas,
but it's job is to raise blood levels of glucose
("blood sugar"). When blood sugar levels get too
low, glucagon is secreted and causes stored
carbohydrate (glycogen) in the liver to be released
into the blood stream to raise blood sugar to a
normal level. It also causes the breakdown of fat
so that it can be used as fuel.
Glucagon typically begins to be secreted beyond
30 minutes of exercise when blood glucose levels
may begin to decrease.
So, next time you're exercising, think about all
the wonderful things that are happening to your
hormones. It might even make you want to do more
copyright 2007 by Greg Landry, M.S
If you find this article helpful, please
forward it to friends and relatives.
Author and exercise physiologist, Greg Landry, offers free weight loss and fitness success stories and targeted, highly affective weight loss programs for women, men, type 2 diabetics, and people with slow metabolisms and hypothyroidism. Visit his site: http://www.GregLandryFitness.com

Top 10 Points of Encouragement for Weight Loss

On the road to weight loss, fitness, and health, you can easily become discouraged. In fact, discouragement is what leads many people to give-up when they may have been near a point of significant progress and encouragement in their program.
I've put together my "top 10" points of encouragement to help keep your spirits high on your road to weight loss, fitness, and health.
1. It does get better - and often very quickly! Many people that are significantly overweight or that have been sedentary for a long time, find any activity, even walking a few hundred feet, to be very difficult and uncomfortable. Be encouraged, many physiological changes happen very quickly once you start moving. Walking, for example, starts getting easier and more comfortable within a couple of weeks. Keep moving - every day will be a little better! Be encouraged!
2. I love this lady's story. It just makes you want to cheer for her while sitting at your computer. Margie from Madison, Wisconsin weighed 296 pounds when she started walking in her neighborhood. She says she started by walking about half a block twice a day and that it was incredibly difficult at first.
After the second day she had decided to quit but a neighbor encouraged her to continue. Every day she walked the same route but added a little distance each week. She says there were many days when she wanted to quit, but she wanted very badly to lose weight and be healthy. After several months the people in her neighborhood started noticing her consistency and her progress and started giving her compliments and words of encouragement. She said that after a few months of walking, it went from painful to enjoyable.
About ten months into her walking program, she began her morning walk as usual, but she noticed people out in their yards. As she passed each yard they were clapping and cheering for her, "go Margie", "we're proud of you Margie", "congratulations Margie!" She said tears of happiness flowed through her entire walk that morning as over a hundred people cheered her on all along her route! Be encouraged!
3. The visible signs of progress in a weight loss program are often very slow to come. Healthy weight loss takes time, but that can be very discouraging. Be encouraged to know that for each day that you exercise and eat healthy foods in moderate quantities, you have made progress. It might not be measurable that day, but you have made progress and it will be measurable over a period of weeks and months. Be encouraged!
4. Katherine was 43 years-old and had been sedentary for 20 years. The scale had not changed in those 20 years - she still weighed 136 pounds, but she knew she had lost muscle and gained fat. Her waist was bigger and she couldn't fit into the same size clothes that she did 20 years earlier. What bothered her most was that she was always tired and never had energy.
She decided to start walking and weight training but quit after a week. She said, "it's too uncomfortable, I can't keep doing this." I encouraged her to continue and told her that it would get better. She "quit" three times during the next two weeks. We talked frequently. Six weeks later she started to notice some muscle tone and she noticed that her endurance and energy level had increased dramatically. She said, "I'm very encouraged!"
Eight months later she had gained two pounds on the scale but lost three inches in her waist - and she walked a marathon! Yeeeeeeesss! Be encouraged!
5. The whole idea behind physical training is that you push your body to do a little more than it's comfortable with and it responds by making physical and physiological changes. These changes make you capable of doing a little more with less discomfort. Be encouraged!
6. Gerald in New Orleans, Louisiana lost 85 pounds after he started walking and weight training. Once he had lost the weight, he decided to do something that would allow him to fully appreciate his weight loss. For an entire day, he carried around a sack that contained 85 pounds of metal weights.
Getting around during that day was a struggle and very tiring. At the end of the day he was exhausted! Life without the weight is great! Be encouraged!
7. Keep records of your progress. Every day write down the positive changes you've noticed and also keep a record of the exercise you do every day. Write down what you did, how long you did it, and any thoughts about your exercise that day. Keep a running total of your minutes. You can look back at what you've done with a great sense of accomplishment and you'll be motivated to do more. Be encouraged!
8. Daily exercise will change your life! I believe God designed humans to be active on a daily basis. Why? because when you are, lots of good things happen..
- you are healthier
- you feel better and have more energy
- you are less likely to develop cancer, heart disease, stroke, etc.
- you sleep better
- you have a better outlook on life
- your relationships with people are enhanced
- your skin looks healthier
- you are sick less often
- your immune system is stronger
- you lose fat
- you gain toned, lean muscle
- you look healthier
Be encouraged!
9. Betty Jo in Tuscaloosa, Alabama wrote to me.. "Greg, After 24 years of being married to a grouchy, pessimistic man who didn't enjoy life, I saw all that change over a period of about a year. Harold was the classic 70 pound overweight couch potato when he was scared into exercising and healthier eating habits by the death of his 46 year-old friend."
Harold's doctor recommended that he start walking every morning and after a couple of weeks Harold told Betty Jo that he wanted to start eating better. Harold really took-off with this "health thing" and lost 72 pounds and become a new man - inside and out. In Betty Jo's words, "I have a new husband. He walks for an hour every morning and he is a joy to be around. His enthusiasm for life makes our marriage fun." Be encouraged! 10. Progress and improvement generate encouragement. YOU can progress and improve and be encouraged to do more. Tomorrow morning, put on your walking shoes and take a walk, even if it's just a few minutes. The next day, do it again - progress and improve.
Be encouraged!
copyright 2001 by Greg Landry, M.S.
Author and exercise physiologist, Greg Landry, offers free weight loss and fitness success stories and targeted, highly affective weight loss programs for women, men, type 2 diabetics, and people with slow metabolisms and hypothyroidism.

Diets Don't Work

Any doctor worth their salt will tell you diets don't work.
Plain and simple. Surprised?
Well you might be. You can't get away from all the talk about
South Beach, Atkins, Low Carb, Zone ... you name it, they're
talking about it. It's on TV, in magazines... everywhere you
And of course there are the pills, drugs and other expensive
methods to lose weight. While they may be appropriate in certain
cases, by and large they aren't necessary. Some can actually
be dangerous to your health.
What does work, what's been proven to work time and time again
is something very simple... a lifestyle change. You may not
want to hear it, but it's true.
You can't eat thousands of calories, rich desserts, sugary
snacks, excess fat and tons of carbs, get little or no
activity and expect to lose weight with a pill!
You'll be surprised to know that you don't need to stop eating
or have to exercise for hours every day to lose weight. Just a
few simple lifestyle changes added daily can turn your life
around quickly. You will start to lose weight within days
and feel better as well.
Here are 4 tips you can use to get started today:
- Drink water.
Drinking lots of water is probably the single most important
thing you can do for your health. Water delivers nutrients
throughout your body, flushes toxins out of your system and
aids in digestion. When you get up in the morning, start with
a full glass of water before you start your day (add a little
lemon if you like). Then get at least 10-12 additional glasses
of water in throughout the day.
- Eat slowly.
Chew your food 10-12 times before swallowing. Your saliva
starts the digestion process, and if you don't chew enough,
your stomach has to work twice as hard and many times you
don't get much out of the foods you eat -- except maybe some
indigestion :).
- Split your entree.
When eating out, split your entree with your dining
companion. Most restaurants now serve portions that are
up to 8 times the recommended serving size. Supplement
with a salad, soup or vegetable to complete your meal.
- Avoid sodas.
Did you know that an average soda has 14 teaspoons of
sugar? Not only are these empty calories and carbs that take
you on a blood sugar roller coaster and adds pounds, the sugar
also can also cripple your immune system for up to 5 hours
leaving your body working overtime and open to infections,
viruses and the effects of stress.
Drinking one soda a day alone can pack on 16 lbs of unwanted
weight! Skip that soda and watch the weight go away.
Additionally, recent studies have linked increased soda
consumption with certain cancers and a loss of essential
minerals from our bodies.
Mark Idzik is a health coach with a national clientele who helps his clients lose weight and make better health choices. His new report, Permanent Weight Loss Now, offers a proven way to lose weight naturally, safely and effectively. You can get more information at: [http://www.Everyday-Weight-Loss.com ] Receive 37 Free Weight Loss Tips by sending email to:37tips@everyday-weight-loss.com

Exercising at Home to Stay Away From Gym Constraints

Nowadays, people have become more health conscious, thanks to the media for spreading knowledge about health and fitness. Many people have become profusely interested in looking for and joining fitness programs.
Whether you have joined a gym or at home, following a fitness workout program has numerous benefits. Firstly, a fitness workout would allow you to lay down your fitness goals, and it comprises a detailed plan on how to achieve those objectives. For example, if you have set your aim to shed at least 5 kilos in just two months, the fitness program can guide you on the daily exercises that need to be done and the type of diet you should have to reach your fitness goal. An effective home fitness program should enable you to stay focused and encouraged on the task. The fitness training plan should teach you to abide by the program seriously without being distracted by anything whatsoever. Once you find that you are progressing with commendable success, it can be an indication of the effectiveness of the plan and this will motivate you to complete it.
A home fitness program to be successful should incorporate some major elements. It is always important to choose a program which is effective and worth the money and time invested, so that you can see yourself in excellent health after its completion. A good fitness program should be precise and have clearly defined goals. Thus, if your endeavor is to burn excess fat and reduce body weight, then focus on related workouts instead on muscle building exercises.
Depending on objectives that have been set, you should make a decision if you can workout at home or if you need to join a gym. Then, you would have to determine if you require a personal fitness trainer or not. Nevertheless, it is always advisable to take guidance from a fitness expert both while devising a fitness program and implementing it.
In the end, you should make sure that your fitness program suits your health conditions and fits easily in your schedule. If you set an extremely difficult goal to achieve, then you might not have adequate time for doing the whole set of workouts, and eventually lose interest to go ahead with your fitness program. However, if your targets are practical and modest, it can motivate you to work hard and stick to the routine. Thus, you should make your attempts to strike the right balance and then follow your fitness program so that you accomplish your targets without any difficulty.
It is known to all that utilizing free weight and fitness machines is one of the fastest and most effective ways to improve metabolism and increase vitality and strength. However, for many reasons, such fitness equipment might not be readily available or convenient for users.
Due to busy work schedule, you might not have the time to go to a fitness club, but there can be a solution for this- a fitness training exercise without the need of spending on expensive equipments. For almost all workouts, whether you are utilizing your body weight, free weights or machines, if there is no increase in resistance, your muscles will not be exercised to the full capacity.
Workouts if done correctly will help to build muscles and enhance your metabolism similar to performing workouts at gyms, however, without any time and money constraints. These workouts can be done almost anywhere be it in bedrooms, at offices, in parks, or even in a passage way, and all that you need to do is make use of your imagination. There can always be a procedure to augment resistance to your exercises. No matter, whether you are exercising at your home or office or in a park, you need to warm up before starting your workout and cool down once your exercise session is over.
Though your own body weight can provide enough resistance to offer an effective workout, you will require progressive load to become stronger. In this case, all we need to do is just add some more load to increase the resistance. No matter, if there are no metal plates and fancy equipments, as long as the body receives some resistance, it is fine.
You can utilize loads such as heavy books clasped in your palms. You can even opt for inexpensive dumbbells, and barbells or ankle weights. A weighted plank will also allow adding resistance for both pushups, and sit-ups. A backpack crammed with books can be the perfect fitness equipment for most of the workouts and it comes as a cheap alternative.
We all know that free weights and fitness machines are the quickest and most effective way to build muscles and get a better shape. There are several easy ways to follow home exercises which offer the same benefits as going to gyms but without any money and time constraints.

Oh No, I've Broken My Diet Yet Again

Gosh we are well into February already and it looks like this year is going to race along just as quickly as the last. By about now most people's New Year Resolutions are starting to wane. We are very enthusiastic on New Years Eve, (normally with a bit of help from some form of alcoholic beverage) and are determined that this year we will lose weight and be healthy. Unfortunately though, as the festivities wear off and we get back into the daily grind, often our good intentions just don't seem so important any more.
Our health should not be an uphill struggle that we lurch into from one year to the next. It's really important to have a good balance in all areas of our life but if our health is not good then everything else tends to suffer. That's why I am so grateful that I was introduced to "Natural Eating" 16 years ago. Now I consciously eat all the time instead of eating out of habit, or being "good" one day and "bad" the next. My eating is in balance. I eat good nutritional food most of the time, because it makes me feel good but also indulge in the odd treat because I need that too. By not depriving myself of any food I am ensuring that I don't overindulge on anything. I listen to my body, when I'm hungry I eat, when I've had enough I stop.
The most important thing that "Natural Eating" has given me is peace of mind around food. If I'm hungry I eat and when I'm not I don't even think about it. The only time it comes up is when my body tells me that it's hungry again. Then I can make a good choice about what is right for me at the time. I can eat what I really need and stop when I am satisfied. After 20 years of food and weight-related issues, the peace of mind is huge. Knowing that I never have to worry about it again when it used to be such a negative issue in my life is very freeing.
When I think of all the years I wasted making New years resolutions, trying every diet known to man, surviving on willpower and ultimately putting the weight back on again, I am truly grateful for Natural Eating and that I am able to share it with others.
So if you find your New Years Resolution has yet again come to a rapid halt, I encourage you to embrace "Natural Eating". Then finally you will be able to be in control of food yourself, instead of food controlling you, year after year.
Prior to discovering Natural Eating, I'd had food and weight related issues for over 20 years. Since discovering Natural Eating in the late 1990's and combining it with Personal Development, I have now maintained a healthy and natural weight for over 16 years. I now run my own business, Nourish'N Nurture, teaching people how to lose weight naturally without dieting. In addition I have written an e-book entitled "Empower yourself by eating what you want - how to lose weight naturally without dieting." For a FREE copy please click the following link http://www.weightlossandpersonalgrowth.com/Home.html

How to Lose Weight Quickly

People usually have different reasons for losing weight, including health, improving body image and looking good for a particular event. However, regardless of the reasons, losing weight should be a lifestyle rather than being only for a season. Although the timeframe for losing weight quickly may vary from person to person, there are ways in which it can be done safely and healthily. Before beginning your weight loss journey, you should get your doctor's permission.
Benefits of Losing Weight Quickly
Being overweight or obese often carry serious health risks such as diabetes, heart-related problems and cancer. However, by losing 10% of your weight you may reduce your risk or reverse the effects of some diseases, including high cholesterol, diabetes, sleep problems and high blood pressure. Other benefits of losing weight quickly include improved confidence, self-control, interpersonal relationships as well as a healthier and balanced lifestyle. You may also have increased energy and stamina and improved physical mobility with less pressure on your joints.
Tips on Losing Weight Quickly
Losing weight, which is the basis of having less or a deficit of calories after eating, involves adjusting your psychological and physical attitudes. This requires lifestyle changes such as altering your eating and physical activity habits.
To lose weight quickly you should: 
  • Set specific and realistic goals, including the number of pounds to lose within a certain timeframe. Breakdown your weight loss goals into weekly and monthly targets and aim to lose about 2 pounds weekly.
  • Get involved in a structured weight loss program that involves healthy dieting and exercising. Keep a journal of your progress and have an accountability partner to help you stay on track.
  • Be positive and determined about being successful especially when the results are not encouraging. Frequently revisit your reasons and goals to help you keep on track and reward yourself for successes.
  • Eat wisely by gradually cutting calories and eating smaller meals throughout the day. Reduce the serving size of your food and have a balanced meal, including water, fruits and vegetables and more foods that are rich in fiber and proteins. Prepare your own meals and keep a record of what you eat daily to help you control portions and to spot foods that may sabotage your diet. Always eat breakfast, avoid skipping meals and reduce your consumption of fast foods.
  • Include physical activity on a regular basis, and if possible daily, to help burn the excess calories and to improve your fitness and cardiovascular levels. Gradually increase your workout intensity and duration to about an hour daily and include strength and interval trainings and cardio exercises.
If the purpose of losing weight quickly is to keep it off, it is important to get involved in a sustainable dieting and exercise program that will allow you to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You should also reduce stress, get enough sleep and keep company with people who have a positive attitude. By never giving up and using some helpful tips, losing weight quickly can become a reality.
Kalorifix is dedicated to providing accurate, useful and unbiased weight loss information. You can read more free weight loss and health articles by visiting http://kalorifix.com/articles.

Simple Weight Loss for Life

In the multi-billion dollar industry, marketers would have you believe that simple weight loss is insanely difficult, and can only be achieved with tenacity and will-power and THEIR product or plan or system. Many individuals are successful on this program or that one, taking this supplement or that one, or eating on this diet or another. So, really which one is best? Why is it so difficult to simply lose weight?
The physics of weight loss are very, very simple. Consume less then you burn. Said another way, eat less calories than you use in a day. Despite the billions of dollars spent, this core principle NEVER changes. Only the hype and spin does.
Simple weight loss will occur when you reduce your calories (even by a little bit) today, and increase your movement. There is no one that cannot do those two things. That is the simplicity of weight loss. Most people keep looking for the right pill, guru, plan, or diet that will magically make the weight fall off them, or make the whole concept of dieting easier.
How can you reduce your calories today? Try this hack: eliminate just ONE thing from your daily meals. Just one single bite reduced per meal will equal 75-100 calories over the whole day. If you simply cut out 100 calories a day for a year, that would be a loss of 10.4 pounds of fat. Ten pounds lost from taking away one bite at each meal. If you add an extra 100 calories of movement, say 10 minutes of walking at a brisk pace, and add them together, now you will lose 20 pounds a year. (All other things staying the same.)
Do you see how simple weight loss can be? You can start right at this moment to lose weight. Get up and take a walk - even for 2 minutes. Losing weight like this, with tiny, small changes, that build upon each other will allow you to eat all of your favorite foods (in appropriate portions). These are just a couple of simple weight loss hacks that can help you start to get your weight under control. If you are severely obese - you will need to address the reasons why you are eating hundreds of extra calories each day; if you don't, your success at cutting out a few bites each day may be short-lived. I speak from experience. Too many times I made small, successful changes, only to find my weight loss was side-tracked by the emotional eating issues that caused me to gain weight in the first place.
Start small and know that you can do this...one bite, one step and one pound at a time.
Good luck!
Erin Carraway is the founder of Obesity Free for Life.com - a website dedicated to enhancing the lives of the overweight and the obese. While she was obese for nearly her entire adult life, she learned some simple, and safe tricks to change her eating and her life forever. Now as a certified personal trainer and health specialist, she coaches others by phone and email about safe, permanent weight loss using everything she learned. She will teach you how to safely lose massive amounts of weight for the rest of your life. Learn more at http://www.obesityfreeforlife.com
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