The Optimal Workout Frequency For Hypertrophy

By Russ Howe-Pti

Most people in the gym have many questions they'd like to ask on the subject of how to build muscle, but they get confused at the wide variety of answers available so instead just struggle on by themselves. One of the most popular questions undoubtedly concerns how many gym sessions per week are optimal when it comes to building lean tissue. Today we will show you how to answer this.

Before you visit your local gym there are a few changes you should make at home in order to ensure your workouts are more productive.

If you are brand new to training you might be worried when you see ultra fit friends who seem to exercise non-stop. Perhaps that's something which has previously put you off the whole idea of getting fitter. You needn't worry, because building a better body is not about torturing yourself on a daily basis.

A good place to get started is to combine resistance training with cardiovascular training two to three times per week. The best way to get your body ready for a positive change is to ease your way into it rather than blasting your muscles as hard as you possibly can.

With that as a starting point, your body will begin the process of changing.

Once you begin seeing results, however, a different type of situation is upon you and there are different risks to your progress. No longer will you have to worry about hitting the gym regularly enough, because seeing a positive change in the shape of your body will be enough to kick-start your desire to exercise more than ever before.

When you reach this stage, people tend to buy into the false philosophy that more equals better. In terms of exercise and fitness, it doesn't work that way.

On the contrary, when it comes to muscular hypertrophy your body will progress at a slower rate if you blast it too often. Rest is very important.

Hypertrophy cannot occur if you aren't letting your muscles rest after each hard session you complete. This is why most people tend to change their routine to incorporate a split routine instead of hitting all the major muscles during each workout, as this allows them to spend more time on a muscle group as well as letting it recover while they train other body parts in their next session.

If you neglect to take a day off to let a muscle recover before you hit it again you will inevitably just be treading over the same ground for the rest of your training.

One of the biggest mistakes made when people want to discover how to build muscle is that they don't place enough importance on resting a body part before they hit it again with the weights. In order to enjoy maximum results and retain them you need to understand the big role rest plays in your journey to a better body.

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Benefits Of Keeping Fit

By Misty Ellis

Today, many people live unhealthy way of life, as they are affected by bad diet and lengthy periods of lack of exercise. These factors lead them to be overweight and out of shape. Working out can help you drop some weight, lower cholesterol levels, improve stamina and build immunity. If you find it tough to incorporate regular fitness and exercise into your busy routine, a treadmill at home can offer the flexibility of exercising whenever convenient.

Why You Should Work Out on a Treadmill

Frequently using a treadmill will shape up your body over the course of a period of time. Treadmills offer more opportunities for engaging in intensive cardio workouts than other gym fitness machines. There are various treadmill workout apps to lose weight, build muscle or simply improve stamina. Many people find that the treadmill trainer is the best fitness machine to exercise on because it accommodates to so many different fitness needs and because it's so easy to use.

Popular Treadmill Highlights

The most common function found on treadmills is the ability to set workout speeds. Many treadmills also come with incline adjustments, which elevate the tread belt to differing height levels. The benefit of these basic treadmill trainer features is that they allow you to mix up your workouts so that they're always interesting and so that you'll never get bored of exercising.

Modern treadmills have many inbuilt workout apps. Jump onto a treadmill trainer and you'll find workout apps that can help you lose weight, condition your endurance, shape up your body and build muscle. The speed and the incline of these set workout programs change automatically, so you don't have to interrupt your workout to push any buttons. The pace and the resistance levels will vary, so go with a program that you know you'll be confident with.

You'll find many treadmills have heart rate monitors built into them. These heart rate monitors are often used with pre-configured cardio workout apps so that you can keep an eye on your vitals. are generally. More expensive treadmill machine models utilize a chest-strap heart rate monitor, which many say is more accurate when it comes to monitoring your heart rate and calories burned. A treadmill machine can have several different monitors, in addition to a heart rate monitor. These monitors help you monitor various fitness levels as you workout.

Many treadmills come furnished with built in memory, which allow for customized workout programs to be saved for future use. The capability to remember customized workouts is most helpful when there are multiple users of the treadmill machine. Built in memory can also be used to save workout history. This data can be referenced to help assess fitness progress and motivate to new fitness objectives.

Popular among treadmill models today is a feature called iFit Live capability. This technology connects online and lets you load up maps and trails to workout on. For example, athletes can condition at home for a race being held in another city. Compare yourself with others competing through a chosen course with iFit Compete Live. To make use of iFit Live, you need a treadmill that has both Internet connectivity and iFit Live capability. Check to see if these two specs are offered on a machine if you're interested in in this technology. Advanced treadmills also have full-color LCD touch screens and a music player to keep your rhythm going while you exercise.

Parts of a Treadmill

The biggest component found on a treadmill machine is the tread belt, which is driven by usually an electric motor. This belt moves backwards over rollers, so you have to move forward while adapting your walk, jog or run to go with the speed of the belt and avoid falling off. The running deck fits with the treadmill machine belt and rollers to support and move you through. Premium treadmills have decks that have the capability to adjust incline levels. This functionality allows you to mix up the intensity of your workouts. Increasing the incline levels of the treadmill machine deck can give you more intense cardiovascular workouts.

Today, you'll find that most decks rest on parts that absorb the frequent impact incurred on the unit. The most commonly used damping component is a cushioning system, which in some instances can be adjusted with different tension levels. The combination of the belt, motor, rollers, deck and cushioning system affect the quality and performance of a treadmill machine.

Treadmill frames are designed foldable or non-foldable. The foldable type are better for home gyms where space is fixed. The foldable treadmills have decks that can be lifted up vertically. You may need to pay more for a well-built foldable treadmill trainer that lasts a long time. Most corporations, such as gyms, hotels, and health clubs use non-foldable treadmill trainer platforms.

Treadmill Highlight Considerations

Individuals will move to treadmills and feature sets that they want, but look into the design of the unit as well. Most budget treadmills are suitable for walking and jogging; more expensive treadmills are designed for running and sprinting. More body weight causes more impact and wear on the treadmill; it needs a more powerful motor to support heavy users and thus comes at a higher price. If you're a person of remarkable height, you might want to consider a treadmill machine with a longer belt and deck. If your home gym treadmill machine will be utilized by the entire family, take into account the increased wear and tear that the machine will go through. For some, these cardio trainers are worth the investment, and they're willing to pay more for the better designs.


There are plenty of techniques that exercising helps improve your health and your fitness. A home treadmill at home can help you realize these benefits. Before rushing to make a purchase, consider your health, fitness and durability needs, and the features that you will use often. Look at the dimensions of the treadmill trainer and be certain it will fit into the spot that you want to place it at. Think about all these things while at the same time keeping note of whether or not different machines fall in your budget.

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Should You Do Cardio Prior To Weight Training?

By Russ Howe

There are many questions in the fitness world which cause much confusion. If you were to ask ten fitness instructors for tips on how to lose weight, it's likely you'd get several very conflicting answers. Today's question in focus is this - should you do cardio before or after weights?

The facts behind this question are very clear so today you will discover the answer.

Let us begin by looking at the most common myth associated with this question. Many people believe that by doing cardiovascular exercise before resistance training you will leave your muscles zapped of strength and restrict your ability on the weights, therefore it would make natural sense to go with hitting the weights first and doing your cardiovascular activity at the end.

This particular belief stacks up well from a common sense point of view, but when you look at the latest scientific research available you will be surprised at the findings.

You see, in order to get to the bottom of this popular gym myth we have no choice but to look at things on a scientific level. The body makes several noteworthy changes during your time on the gym floor, some of which are hugely important in answering this question. The first of which is m-TOR release.

The more gym savvy readers here will notice this word from many protein supplements on the market. That's because this enzyme is thought to be responsible for switching on the body's muscle building recovery process following a gym workout. It is released in a spike which can last for up to six hours and, naturally, you want to enjoy the maximum benefit from this spike if your goal is to build more lean muscle tissue.

The enzyme released during cardiovascular activity, on the other hand, is known as AMPK.

Despite being perfectly natural, AMPK has one flaw - it kills off m-TOR!

So jumping on a bike for 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise after a workout might sound good in theory, but in truth you are doing more harm than good to your chances of building rock hard lean muscle any time soon. The increase in your AMPK levels will do significant damage to the increased m-TOR you created by hitting the weights, rendering your session only half as great as it could have been.

It is also worth noting that several studies have looked into just how much pre workout cardio can zap the muscles of strength, too. One study tested this theory by having subjects do a tough aerobic session followed by a bench press and squat session. The cardio only affected the squats, which prompted the conclusion that you can get around this issue by simply avoiding cardio activity before leg day - this allows you to get the full benefits of cardio without missing out on the full benefits of the spike in m-TOR brought about by a heavy weights session.

If you are searching for the best explanations on how to lose weight then it makes sense to go with the most logical scientific answers rather than buying into the wealth of gym myths which are out there. Should you do cardio before or after weights? The latest science is massively in favor of doing it before.

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