Fat Loss Tips for the Busy Mom

Fat loss tips are everywhere you look - magazines, books, television, the internet. But, how do you know what really works?
Well, there's a foundation that you should consider in your weight loss plan. It's simple and easy to implement in your everyday life for the weight loss you've always wanted.
Nutrition = 75% of Your Results
Yup. Nutrition plays the main role in your weight loss efforts.
I considered myself very disciplined with exercise, and was always very athletic growing up. However, as I got older, I noticed that I was starting to pack on the weight.
Call it Freshman 15, or the Newlywed 15, whatever. And then I got pregnant. I gained a whopping 54 pounds with my first pregnancy.
That amount of weight doesn't look good on a 5'1" frame. I lost 58 pounds the year after I had my baby, mainly by changing up my nutrition. Here's how you can do it.
  1. Eat more fruits, vegetables, beans, and lentils instead of meat, dairy, and white carbohydrates.
  2. Drink more water. Quit drinking calories.
  3. Limit the amount of processed food you eat - chips, cookies, crackers.
  4. Eat 6 small meals a day (around 300-350 calories per meal) rather than 3 large meals a day.
  5. Enjoy one cheat day where you could eat whatever you want.
And you know what, those 5 basic nutrition fat loss tips really helped me drop the pregnancy weight almost effortlessly. You, too, can lose weight just by following these tips, without lifting a single weight or going for a jog in the park.
Exercise Blasts Belly Fat
So now that you know that what you eat is very important, exercise is the next thing you have control over to increase the amount of weight you lose. Exercise helps by burning calories.
When you burn more calories than you consume, you lose weight. So, do any exercise to burn fat that you enjoy to do.
It's very important that you enjoy the activity because it is more likely for you to incorporate it into your daily routine. Otherwise, it's something you dread, and will find any excuse to avoid it.
I personally enjoy walking and running. It helps me clear my head, get some fresh air, and relieve some stress.
I take my 2 year old son, Lucas, and my dog, Cooper, with me. I walk or run 5-6 days a week.
It's become so routine that if I don't exercise, I feel like my day is off. That's how integrated exercise is in my daily life.
When exercise becomes a part of your everyday life, you'll find that losing weight isn't hard anymore. It's just who you are.
You become the slim, flat tummy mom that you always envisioned for yourself because you incorporated a sound nutrition guide with a weight loss exercise plan that you actually like to do. Your lifestyle is one that is full of energy and confidence because you succeeded in losing all (or more!) of your pregnancy weight with these simple, easy fat loss tips.
Kristine Kay helps moms lose up to 25 pounds of belly fat in 90 days without military exercise, starvation diets, or expensive diet pills. Subscribe to her free newsletter at http://www.FatLossForMoms.com and get instant access to exclusive tips of her all natural approach to losing weight and keeping it off. Losing weight after pregnancy just got easier.

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