A Healthy Digestive Tract with Wheat Grass!

By Jane Lane

Wheat grass has many healthy properties. The nutritive profile of freshly juiced wheat grass carries remarkable similarity to our own blood. The 2nd important nutritional facet of chlorophyll is its noteworthy similarity to hemoglobin, the compound that transports oxygen in the blood. Many people are using grass as food and medicine. The reasoning is that since chlorophyll is soluble in fat particles, and fat particles are soaked up directly into the blood via the lymphatic system, that chlorophyll may likewise be soaked up in this way. Put differently, when the "blood" of plants is soaked up in humans it's transformed into human blood, which channels nutrients to every cell of the body.

In the 20's, a professor stirred the concept and way of life of Bio-genic nourishment. He classed sprouted seeds and baby greens as the most advantageous foods and advocated that they make up 1/4 of our day-to-day food intake, naming them life-generating Bio-genic foods which he said offer the heaviest support for cell regeneration. In our day-to-day life, assorted factors transpire to produce free radicals inside our bodies. Free radicals are extremely unsound oxygen molecules requiring an electron to stabilize their helter-skelter state.

Regular ingestion of wheat grass juice (the most popular way to acquire your daily wheatgrass nutrition boost) energizes the thyroid gland, serving to correct health problems like obesity, indigestion, and a horde of additional complaints. Wheat grass juice likewise aids in restoring alkalinity to the blood. The juice's abundance of alkaline minerals helps cut down over-acidity in the blood. It may be utilized to relieve a lot of internal pains, and has been utilized successfully to care for peptic ulcers, ulcerative inflammatory bowel disease, constipation, diarrhea, and additional complaints of the GI tract.

A fit body is alkaline . Bio-genic foods have an alkalizing impact on the body. Raw foods bear oxygen and steady consumption of raw bio-genic foods with their abundant oxygen is useful to health. It has been found that the growth of cancer cells were originated by a lack of oxygen and these cells, along with viruses and bacteria, might not live in an alkaline and oxygen rich surroundings. Bio-genic foods are a great source of crucial fatty acids (the normal western diet is commonly deficient in these) which play a major role in the immune system defenses and are among the highest food sources of fiber.

Once these super foods are grown to the chlorophyll rich 2 leaf stage, it has been demonstrated they have been effective in defeating protein-deficiency anemia. Some women have discovered that daily use of these super foods has yielded relief from hot flushes and sustained hormonal function. The supply of vitamins (B complex and C) existent in seeds may be expanded by the sprouting biochemistry over numerous days. This biochemistry alters the array of minerals in sprouts so that they're in a kelated form which is more simply absorbed in the body. It as well denatures protein into the amino acid building blocks so that we may digest them in one-half the time of cooked foods.

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