What Fears Do You Have About Weight Loss?

There are many cultures in which food is the center of many life experiences. Food is a wonderful thing and can be incorporated into many of life's events. The foods that we eat during these times are often delicious. It is enjoyable to sit down and catch up with a friend over a meal.
It is very common to gather with friends or family during the holidays, birthdays and other celebrations. Most parties and family gatherings are brought together by a meal and dessert. You will usually hear several people say, "I am so stuffed" afterward. Eating food is often a ritual during sporting events as well. Right now, there are tons of various recipes floating around that you can make for a Super Bowl party.
There are even daily and weekly life experiences that involve food. Think about all of the times food is a part of your life at work. There are office parties for various reasons that bring people together to eat. One great way of bonding is to dine out for lunch with your co-workers. This allows for time out of the office and a chance to connect with others. When you are back at home with your immediate family, you may have rituals like Pizza Friday. Food is engrained into many parts of our lives.
When you begin thinking about sticking with a weight loss plan, many different feelings can arise. One common feeling is the fear that you will not be able to participate in events that involve food anymore. You may think that you have to give up the foods that you love in order to listen to what your body needs. Maybe your fear is not of losing the foods that you love, but losing the time you usually spend with family and friends around a table. I understand these fears. I once lived with these fears before I began my journey to weight loss.
I want to take a minute to explain what it means to eat what your body needs when you are using a non-diet approach to weight loss. You will still be able to meet with family and friends for a meal. This approach to weight loss does not limit the types of food that you can eat. Instead, you will learn to become conscious of when your body tells you to stop eating. This may be difficult to do at first, but it will get easier with guidance and practice. You have the ability to eat the foods you love and still lose weight.
Learning to lose weight can be difficult. Sometimes this is because we may still be stuck in our old ways of thinking about weight loss. It takes time and practice in order to begin developing new patterns and habits. The weight loss journey becomes more about learning to listen to your body and trusting that you can make the right choices than about looking for a certain number on the scale. You can do it!
Want to discover how to lose weight without starving yourself? Eat whatever you want and live the life that you deserve? Then go here for your Free Course and discover the principles and techniques to eat what you love without guilt, to lose weight and to maintain that weight loss forever. www.WinningOvereating.com

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