How To Stay Motivated To Lose Weight

Before going on a diet or better yet lifestyle change program, a strong consideration should be in how to stay motivated to lose weight. There is no disputing that most people after starting a weight loss program or diet quit after just two short weeks. There are a myriad of reasons for this. The secret is to plan to prepare yourself to succeed. It has been both said and proven: "Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail."
Key Factors To Stay Motivated to Lose Weight
* Make a plan, start small
* Share your plan
* Involve a partner
* Never give up
Make a Plan, Start Small
Taking the time to develop a plan in writing is golden time well spent. A written plan allows you to be organized, and gives you a compelling blueprint for success, which can empower you to succeed. To build a stable and secure house, it is wise to build on a strong foundation. Set short and long term goals. Keep your plan in front of you, where you can see and read it daily. Let it become part of you. Break it down into manageable steps. A short term goal such as " I will lose 1-2 lbs. a week" or "take a daily one mile walk" or is not only realistic and attainable, but fuel for success in achieving long range goals like " Lose 30 lbs by June 1st. Have some favorite attire in your closet you with to wear again. Un-retire them by keeping them hanging around where you can see them....Inspirational. Try not to change to fast.
Share Your Plan
Sharing your plan with family and close friends is compelling factor to stay motivated to lose weight. Not only can they be supportive, but also everyone can share in the benefits of your inspired, sustained efforts. Win-Win.
Involve a Partner
Involving a partner such as a family member or friend can be a mutually beneficial in your efforts to stay motivated to lose weight. This is an excellent accountability factor, a key component in changing old ways. Even Fido, your faithful hound can join in the fun. Let him drag you along on your walks...who's walking who anyway?
Consider joining a support group such as Over Eaters Anonymous. It helps to share your challenges with others, and again can help you be accountable to yourself.
Never Give Up
Expect ahead of time you will have lapses; you will "cheat a little"...this is normal and certainly never a reason to quit! Quitting and making excuses is easy, persevering makes you a winner. Buy following a plan you can win at how to stay motivated to lose weight. Do you really want to see the same person in the mirror and in pictures that you see now?
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