If there is one thing I didn't want to do as a young man was loose weight. My nick name at school was Stick. Others were Skinny Ribs and Skelator. There were a couple of reasons why I was so thin. One was simply because I was full of energy and always running around, and the other must have been down to me having an ultra fast metabolism. Oh how I hated those nicknames back then, but I would have loved to have them back once I hit my mid 40's as I became as fat as a barrel. Alas, I was to become a couch potato and my poor ole metabolism began to slow down with age. But I did eventually find a solution to the middle age spread and that was simply by running to lose weight.
The thing I like so much about running to lose weight is that it's easy. Apart from decent footwear there are no machines, gyms, or other fitness expenses to suffer. It can be practiced at your own pace, in your own time, at a schedule that suits you. There is a downside though which is I sometimes have to miss my run if there's a torrential downpour or worse still a snow storm. But even with the unpredictable elements, there are very few days lost to inclement weather conditions.
Running to lose weight and to get into shape gets a bad wrap from some fitness gurus as being hard on the joints. No one can argue that poor footwear slapping down on hard concrete won't take its toll over time, but with a good quality pair of running shoes and a nice grass surface, no one is going to be turning into a cripple overnight. As I'm neither practicing for nor running a marathon here, the harm is done by this form of exercise. 20 minutes of running or gentle jogging every other day has seen a healthy steady weigh loss with this Fatty Arbuckle and as a bonus to shedding those pounds, I feel absolutely fantastic too.
On average I lost around 2 Kg a week for 3 months then the weight loss became much more gradual after that. My obvious physical appearance changed in a relatively short space of time which impressed my neighbor so much that he now accompanies me on my runs most days, and the weight is dropping off him just as it did with me.
I will just finish by saying that I have not been on any kind of diet regime. I've always enjoyed my meat and 2 veg and continue to eat as much, if not a little more, than I did before I began running to loose weight. Having said that, I've never been a fast food junkie, nor do I have a sweet tooth, but I do get stuck into big helpings at meal times. So for me, losing weight was not so much about putting less in my mouth and getting more exercise, but more to do with just the exercise bit. Everyone is different, and only you know what you have to do, but what I can say is that running to lose weight has really worked for me and my neighbor Roger D.
Bye the way, if you don't fancy the outdoor jogging scene, you can always use a treadmill instead. Just remember, if you're serious about losing weight, there are only 2 times when you really need to exercise - One is when you want to, and the other is when you don't! Get out of that one if you can!
Andy Maingam is an expert writer for Slender Folks dot com where he writes on such issues as the Zone Diet & Dieter and how to Lose 10 Pounds. He also has other health and weight loss related articles on the site.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andy_Maingam
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