Four Secrets to Permanent Weight Loss

Diet Disappointment
If you're like most people, your resolution to lose weight this year has begun to wane. You may feel hopeless and like you've failed again.
You started out with such good intentions and high motivation. You lost pounds. Then, somewhere the scale stuck. You were hungry. You craved your favorite foods. You felt deprived, like you were punishing yourself and it wasn't doing any good.
Did you cheat, say things like, "I deserve this," or "Just one can't hurt?"
Diets, as you know them, don't work.
The only diet you need to lose weight is the D.I.E.T. in your mind.
Tip 1
Decide you will never struggle again to lose weight. When you do, you're not just struggling against yourself. You are struggling against your body's survival mechanism that tells you to eat when you are hungry.
Plan what you'll eat every. Write it down the day before... Don't let yourself get hungry. Plan to include healthy snacks half way between meals at the same time every day. Write down what you are going to eat.
Tip 2
Imagine for 10 minutes a day, morning and evening, how you and your life will be different when you're slimmer. How do you look? What things are you doing? How do you feel about yourself? Write it down.
Next, imagine your favorite food in the most sickening way you can.
---Those chips, frying in dark, brown, rancid oil that looks like used motor oil and smells thick and greasy.
---The fat in that burger, hardening in gray globs along your arteries blocking healthy red blood flow.
Tip 3
Eliminate sabotaging self talk and replace it with strengthening self talk. Write these on a card. Carry it with you.
Sabotaging Thoughts.....................Strengthening Thoughts
I deserve to eat this.......................I deserve to be thinner.
Just one can't hurt.........................One can hurt.
I'll never be thin.............................Yes I will be. I'm getting thinner now.
I'm lonely......................................So? Everyone gets lonely.
My feelings are hurt.......................I'll feel better and stronger.
I'm exhausted................................I'll take a nap or imagine my new body.
I'm stressed..................................I'll pound the pavement with my feet.
Tip 4
All your behaviors begin with a thought. What you put in your mouth begins in your mind.
Slow down.
Think about what your triggers are. Hurt feelings? Loneliness? Stress? Anger? Something someone did or said?
Slow down.
Triggers lead to thoughts. Examine your thoughts.
Slow down.
Thoughts lead to decisions.
Slow down.
Decisions lead to actions.
Diets don't work, but a change in the ways you cope with your unpleasant feelings, does.

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