Most Effective Tips On How To Lose Tummy Fat

Tummy fat occurs in both men and women and it often advances with age. It often occurs as a result of age, food intake, sedentary lifestyle, high alcohol intake etc. Having tummy fat should be a source of concern because it leads to other diseases like high blood pressure, obesity, gall-bladder diseases, cardiovascular diseases, etc. There are two kinds of tummy fat; sub-cutaneous fat and visceral fat. Sub-cutaneous fat does not pose any health risk because it is found just below the skin. Visceral fat is the fat that poses health risks because it is located deep within the tummy; close to the internal organs. Consequently, it affects these internal organs leading to those diseases. This article is going to give you tips on how to lose tummy fat.
How to Lose Tommy Fat
Exercise: Living a sedentary lifestyle causes tummy fat because the body does not expend energy. This causes the fat gotten from food to be stored in the tummy. To lose this fat, exercise is very essential. There are different exercises that can be used to lose tummy fat but it is essential that you consult your physical instructor to help you choose the exercises most suitable for you. Cardio exercises like walking, jogging, aerobics, swimming, dance and cycling are very good at burning calories. To achieve maximum effect, combine cardio exercise with weightlifting. The exercises should be done at least thrice a week. You can also include abdominal exercises like pelvic tilts, abdominal crunches, abdominal hollowing and sit ups. These exercises require persistence, determination and patience for it to work.
Food Intake: Exercises alone will not help to lose tummy fat if you don't incorporate a healthy diet. Foods that are rich in starch, refined carbohydrates and fats greatly contribute to abdominal fat. Those foods include white rice, pasta, snacks etc. Your diet should be made up of high proteins, fruits, low carbohydrates and fruits. Healthy carbohydrates such as wheat, brown bread and brown rice are recommended. Healthy fats such as those gotten from fish, olive oil, and sunflower oil should be implemented in your diet. Skimmed milk should be taken instead of the regular milk. Fruits should be incorporated in your diet because they are good at burning fats. Fruits and vegetables such as cucumber, apples, raw tomatoes are known as negative calorie foods. This is because the amount of calories expended in digesting them outweigh the amount of calories that they contain.
Alcohol: Consumption of too much alcohol largely contributes to tummy fat. This is because alcohol contains excess calories and little or no nutrients. If you want to lose the fat, you have to cut down on your intake of alcohol.
A combination of all the above methods will go a long way in trimming tummy fat. You don't have to starve yourself just to trim down. Once you follow the diet plan, eat small meals regularly and eat at least 2 hours before going to bed, you will trim down your tummy in no time.
There are lose tummy fat secrets that once discovered and applied within 3 weeks, you can have the perfect body that you have always desired. Find tips that can give you the perfect body at:

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