Quick and Healthy Weight Loss Ideas

-Everyone seems to be looking for weight loss ideas these days, and with good reason. The obesity rates in America are higher than ever, and increasing all the time. Over 60% of the population is either overweight or obese! Many folks jog, join fitness clubs and various other exercise programs, designed to help them get fit and to lose some weight.
This is a great idea physically, but I'm sorry to say that if losing weight is the ultimate goal of whatever fitness program you choose, your program is flawed without a nutrition plan in place. Unless of course your plans include spending long hours daily at the gym working-out.
-Without some kind of healthy eating plan in place, it likely will do little for your weight loss plans.
I'm sure you've noticed that virtually any type of diet you have ever tried combined exercise with a plan of action on the foods you're allowed to eat. There's a good reason for that, paying attention to the food you eat has a much greater impact on weight loss than exercise alone.
-In fact, the best weight loss ideas are always based on the calories taken in more than those burned off. Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows this to be true. The combination of exercise and diet is always best but if the priority is put on the healthy eating plans, your efforts are likely to be much more productive.
Ask anybody that has been really successful at losing significant weight, and I'll just bet their weight loss ideas included a sound nutrition plan, and that they stuck to it to the letter! If you add the following weight loss ideas to your fitness plan (or even use alone) you'll be surprised how fast you'll see results.
Five Quick and Healthy Weight loss Ideas
#1 Eat More
You heard it right, eat more. The secret of course is to make the "more", healthy choices like fruits and vegetables. Add grapes, a banana or cherries to your breakfast, lunch or dinner. You'll not only be a little fuller and less likely to make bad food decisions later, but you'll be happier as well.
#2. Get Rid of the White Stuff
If you steer clear of these four: dairy, white sugar, refined salt and white flour, you'll see a big increase in your daily energy level and substantial weight loss drops. Most folks are aware of the ill effects of the last 3 things. But dairy can cause inflammation, clogged arteries and digestive problems for many people, and can make losing weight a tough chore. (weight gain is much more likely).
#3. Make Water Your Drink of Choice
Drink ½ your body weight every day (in ounces) for adequate hydration. If you weigh 144 pounds for example, you should drink 72 ounces each day. (black coffee or tea with stevia, if you must)
Studies have consistently shown this to be one of the best weight loss ideas, and that when people give up the sugary drinks and make the switch to water, significant losses in weight are sure to follow. Add lemon, lime, orange or even pineapple slices for flavor. (and a great snack when you're done)
This includes the diet drinks as well, artificial sweeteners are as bad or worse than sugar, as they are toxins and not natural to your body. Stevia is the one substitute that can be used, but be sure it does not contain the filler "rice maltodextrin" or it will be no better, and quite possibly dangerous for diabetics.
#4. Get More Sleep
Get an additional ½ -1 hour of sleep each night. This can be a tough one if you're on a tight schedule, but that extra time gives a boost to your overall metabolism and keeps you more alert and less hurried throughout the day, more able to make the right food choices.
#5. Stick With Healthy Food Choices
Stay away from processed and packaged foods as much as possible. If the list of ingredients on the label exceeds 3 or 4, your body doesn't need the toxins it likely contains. All the best foods have no labels, and there are always healthy options to choose from.
If you must have a snack during your day that's fine, but take the time to think - forego the candy bar or chips, and go for the carrot sticks or how about an apple, pear or other fruit or veggie?
We all know the importance of maintaining a healthy weight, not only does it affect our appearance but more than ever a healthy weight means a healthy mind and body. Paying attention to our healthy eating habits today can ensure a life full of healthy and happy tomorrows.
http://www.health-stories.org deals with a wide range of health and fitness issues from the dangers of obesity, to the many health benefits of running, with ideas for the diet solution for a long healthy life.

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